In February of this year Cloud Hosting provider Mosso launched a new and improved version of its core hosting offering - The Hosting Cloud. The $100/month offering provided 24x7 support, 500GB bandwidth, 50GB disk space and 3 million web requests per month. In May they announced a private beta release of their new CloudFS Cloud Storage Service.
On Wednesday they announced a new Mosso control panel and provisioning system for The Hosting Cloud. This is a major release for Mosso and gives them a greater degree of scalability as well as greatly enhanced usability features. The Control Panel's file manager introduces a new snapshot tool that allows you to reinstate previous versions of your files. The control panel was built using the Google Web Toolkit, giving them a robust AJAX framework. The new provisioning system was built using Apache ServiceMix , a pretty cool foundation architecture laden with buzz words and acronyms ("an open source ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) that combines the functionality of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) to create an agile, enterprise ESB.) This new platform sets the stage for a broader range of services that Mosso can provide.
Mosso was started in late 2007 and is funded development from parent company Rackspace. The Mosso infrastructure is spread across Rackspace data centers.
I think the type of offering that Mosso presents is a pretty close picture of what the future of hosting is. It will take a while for mind-sets to change, but eventually customers will migrate from what Rackspace offers today to a Mosso Hosting Cloud. Reading the Mosso FAQ it is evident that they have already had many questions from those that are still stuck in the traditional hosting model mindset. I think with financial backing from Rackspace, their talented group of developers, and the right timing and service offering in a crowded market, Mosso can (and probably will) go far.
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